How often is acceptable to display Interstitial ads?

I received this message from the App Store Review team. Stating that I need to take action against the negative user reviews, otherwise it might lead to the removal of the app. See message in bottom quote.

Now while I do display a lot of ads in the free version of the game, it's not abnormally high amounts of ads compared to other free games in the App Store.

I counted reviews from the last 3 months. 65 reviews in total, and these are only the reviews with comments (not including those that only rated):

53 were 5-star reviews. 4 were 4-star reviews. 1 were 3-star reviews. 3 were 2-star review. 4 were 1-star reviews.

So the question is, what is an acceptable amount of Interstitial ads? What's the minimum time needed between two Interstitial ad displays.


We’ve noticed a trend of negative users reviews on your app, and are writing to remind you of your responsibility to investigate and take action on customer feedback. These reviews describe a poor user experience, including excessive ads.

The App Store is committed to providing a safe and secure platform for App Store users. We take customer satisfaction and trust seriously and expect all developers to do the same.

In order to ensure that negative reviews are addressed in a timely and effective manner, please take the following actions:

  1. Identify the specific issues described in negative reviews. If you reply to the reviews, be specific and offer solutions to demonstrate you understand your users’ concerns and are taking action to resolve them.
  2. Make any required changes to fix the issues and ensure they do not recur.
  3. Reply to this message and describe the specific actions you’ve taken to improve your users’ experience with your products and services.

We appreciate your efforts to resolve these issues and have not made any changes to your app’s availability at this time. However, be advised that failure to address these issue may lead to future rejections, and continued customer complaints may result in additional actions, such as the removal of your app from the App Store. See App Store Review Guideline 5.6.4 - App Quality to learn more about app quality requirements.

Best regards, App Store Review

How often is acceptable to display Interstitial ads?