Get Test Notification Status method does not return the full data in signedPayload

Hi, I'm trying to implement App Store Server Notifications V2 for my application. At first, I wanted to test the notification using the "Get Test Notification Status" method. I got testNotificationToken from the "Request a Test Notification" method, the response code is 200 and signedPayload after decoding it looks like this:

   "notificationType": "TEST",
   "notificationUUID": "***",
   "date": {
     "bundleId": "***",
     "environment": "Sandbox"
   "version": "2.0",
   "signedDate": 1697535213846

it is missing the most important thing for me, signedTransactionInfo in data. According to the documentation, I should get something like this:

What could be the reason for an incomplete response? Could this be the correct answer after all?


The data field is provided only if the notification represents an underlying transaction. In this case, there is no underlying transaction and so no data field. The main purpose for this is to make sure your server can receive App Store Server Notifications. If you need to test the full flow, we recommend making the appropriate actions in the Sandbox/Testflight environment.