[bug report] window.open with parameters will open in new window instead of new tab by default

It's a regression found in the post in 2021 and it still works in the wrong way.

According to the Apple guide about the "Open pages in tabs instead of windows", when the user sets it to "Automatically", a tab instead of a window is supposed to be opened.

window.open("https://www.apple.com", "_blank", "noopener, noreferrer") is supposed to open a tab because the target we provided is the _blank by default.

However, it will only open the tab when there is no third parameter if we set "Open pages in tabs instead of windows" to "Automatically".

In Firefox and Chrome, a tab by default is opened even with the third parameter provided. And it seemed like the older version of Safari also followed the same behavior.

The Safari version I'm using is 16.6 (18615.

Can you file a bug on <https://bugs.webkit.org/> about this issue with HTML that reproduces the issue?

@Developer Tools Engineer, I filed the bug like you said on the https://bugs.webkit.org/. And here is the link. And they said I should go to https://feedbackassistant.apple.com for help. However, I need a developer account to use the feedbackassistant. The issue is just a web API regression. Do I really need to file it on feedbackassistant? Could you help provide any suggestions for getting the issue heard by the community?

[bug report] window.open with parameters will open in new window instead of new tab by default