Can WatchOS app share In-App purchases with companion IOS app?

Can a WatchOS app with its companion IOS app share In-App Purchases and can this be verified with a Sandbox testing user? Apple's documents and several tutorials give very mixed answers. There are at least two other similar questions on this site with no answers in a year. Most questions cover either standalone watch in-app purchases, or sandbox testing IOS in-app purchases. None answer the full question about sharing purchases between the watch and phone.

I have the app working on IOS and WatchOS but am stuck at the In-App testing to confirm whether this really works.

The IOS app works for In-App purchases with StoreKit and Sandbox users.

The WatchOS app works with Storekit if I run the watch target on my real watch, but seems to have its own transaction list separate from the IOS app. If I install the watch app from the iPhone running the IOS target, I get the error below. The watch doesn't let me login as the sandbox user.

"Unable to purchase App. Sign in with your Apple ID from the Apple Watch app on your iPhone."

Changing the Apple ID for the watch on the iPhone appears to require unpairing and repairing the watch which Apple's documentation suggests shouldn't be necessary.

So 2 key questions:

Can a Watch app share the in-app purchase transactions with its companion iPhone app or will the watch have its own separate transaction list?

Can a Watch app test In-App Purchases with a Sandbox user?


Apple's documentation says: If you create a watchOS app with a companion iOS app, the in-app purchases are universal. However the link for more details is broken.

Apple's document says: If you create a watchOS app with a companion iOS app, the in-app purchases are universal. To distribute your apps together as a universal purchase, your apps need to use a single bundle ID and be associated with the same app record in App Store Connect.

For the watch extension bundleID, I had to add .watchkitapp to the iOS app bundleID to get it to run. Is this preventing "universal" IAP?

In TestFlight I was able to confirm that the Watch app and IOS app share in-app purchases. It seems the problems confirming this with Storekit and Sandbox are limits of the testing environments.

Can WatchOS app share In-App purchases with companion IOS app?