3.1.4 Content Codes

I am trying to understand the restriction in 3.1.4

I just got rejected for the following reason.

"Your app enables additional features or functionality when used with augmented reality markers or QR codes. However, those features are not available in the app to users without the necessary markers."

Taken literally, this effectively means that location based Augmented Reality is not allowed on IPhones.

Here is my situation. I create Augmented Reality apps at historic sites. So for example, you are in NYC in a park where something historic happened. Scan a target with your phone and George Washington Appears and tells his story on the spot.

The app cost nothing, George Washington is not selling you anything, but if you are not in NYC in that park you can not access the content in the App.

So, does that mean that I have violated 3.1.4

If so, I really don't understand how this undermines Apple or it's customers. It makes no sense.

Any insight on Apples Policies on location-based AR, the dos and donts would be very much appreciated.

3.1.4 Content Codes