How to set a size for an entity that is composed by a 3d model?

Hello Everyone,

I'm facing a challenge related to resizing an entity built from a 3D model. Although I can manipulate the size of the mesh, the entity's overall dimensions seem to remain static and unchangeable.

Here's a snippet of my code:

 let giftEntity = try await Entity(named: "gift") 

I've come across an operator that allows for scaling the entity. However, I'm uncertain about the appropriate value to employ, especially since the realityView is encapsulated within an HStack, which is further nested inside a ScrollView.

Would anyone have experience or guidance on this matter? Any recommendations or resources would be invaluable.

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

// scale model to 50%

entity.scale = .init(repeating: 0.5)

How to set a size for an entity that is composed by a 3d model?