App rejection with Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed

App rejected with missing following information:

• Does your app include third-party analytics? If so, please provide details about what data is collected for this purpose. • Does your app include third-party advertising? If so, please provide a link to the ad network's publicly-documented practices and policies for kids apps. • Will the data be shared with any third parties? If so, for what purposes and where will this information be stored? • Is your app collecting any user or device data for purposes beyond third-party analytics or third-party advertising? If so, please provide a complete and clear explanation of all planned uses of this data.

I replied to the message but nothing is changed so I submit the app for review again. I have 2 questions.

  1. Do I need to submit the app for review again or simply reply the message with answers is good enough?

  2. Where can I pre-fill all those questions in App Connect so that the app won't get rejected due to those issues? Apple should make them required before submitting the app.

Answered by Claude31 in 769649022

Are you sure it is guideline 2.1 ? Seems more related to 5.1.


Do I need to submit the app for review again or simply reply the message with answers is good enough?

Only if you made some changes that address the issue raised. That could be a simple message that users may call through a button in the app, explaining what you do in data collection.


Where can I pre-fill all those questions in App Connect so that the app won't get rejected due to those issues? Apple should make them required before submitting the app.

You have a section for comments to reviewer. That's the best place. Try to be very clear and convincing, showing you understood the issues raised but have answers to them. And stay very polite, that always help.

Accepted Answer

Are you sure it is guideline 2.1 ? Seems more related to 5.1.


Do I need to submit the app for review again or simply reply the message with answers is good enough?

Only if you made some changes that address the issue raised. That could be a simple message that users may call through a button in the app, explaining what you do in data collection.


Where can I pre-fill all those questions in App Connect so that the app won't get rejected due to those issues? Apple should make them required before submitting the app.

You have a section for comments to reviewer. That's the best place. Try to be very clear and convincing, showing you understood the issues raised but have answers to them. And stay very polite, that always help.

Thanks for the response. The following is directly from the reviewer. I seems that I don't have to re-submit the app, just need to reply the message. I think that I have already addressed some where in App Connect that no data will be collected. Will see what the response from the reviewer.

Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed

Before we can proceed with the review of your app, we need additional information about how it complies with Guideline 1.3.

Next Steps

To help us proceed with the review of your app, please provide complete and detailed responses to the following questions.

• Does your app include third-party analytics? If so, please provide details about what data is collected for this purpose. • Does your app include third-party advertising? If so, please provide a link to the ad network's publicly-documented practices and policies for kids apps. • Will the data be shared with any third parties? If so, for what purposes and where will this information be stored? • Is your app collecting any user or device data for purposes beyond third-party analytics or third-party advertising? If so, please provide a complete and clear explanation of all planned uses of this data.

Once you reply to this message in App Store Connect with the requested information, we can proceed with your app's review.

App rejection with Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed