IAP issue SKError Code MissingOfferParams error

Hi IAP Developer:

We have noticed a significant increase in the SKError.Code.missingOfferParams error, which started on October 24, 2023, and has reached up to 2000 occurrences daily. Moreover, there seems to be a continuous rise compared to the previous day. This error does not exhibit any distinctive OS version or app version characteristics. Our server logs confirm that all SKPaymentDiscount-related parameters are intact and have not undergone recent changes. We would like to inquire whether Apple has made any modifications to the related services or if there is any insight into the potential causes of this issue. We eagerly await your response.

App:知乎 Location:CHINA

UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x283ff38a0 {Error Domain=ASDServerErrorDomain Code=3902 "无法购买" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=无法购买}}}

From 03:02 AM Beijing Time on October 24th (with a more pronounced increase observed after 06:27 AM) to 01:49 AM on October 27th.

IAP issue SKError Code MissingOfferParams error