App Rejection Issue: EULA

Hi All, I have been bouncing back and forth with Appstore connect reviewers all week and have jumped through all of their hoops to get the app I am publishing up to the standards required by Apple.

The latest problem I get is this: – A functional link to the Terms of Use (EULA)

Next Steps

To resolve this issue, please add this missing information. If the above information is present, please reply to this message in App Store Connect to provide details on where to locate it. 

If you are using the standard Apple Terms of Use (EULA), you will need to include a link to the Terms of Use in your App Description. If you are using a custom EULA, add it in App Store Connect. 

This relates directly to the end-user license agreement whereby we (and I'm sure lots do) use the default Apple EULA.

I sent the above attachment only about 15 minutes after receiving hte rejection notice and have waited nearly 8 hours for the app to be reviewed. I have asked for a call-back but nothing.

I also advised them there is a link to the relevant privacy policy and terms of use within the app and the privacy policy URL has been provided in App Details, in App Store Connect.

I appreciate Cupertino is 15 hours behind where I am, but I am just trying to get my head around how the process is meant to work.

Another app I had in review at the same time, had a screenshot that displayed a test ad banner. Fair enough that was rejected, but rectified within 5 minutes of the rejection notice and we are waiting for the review process.

Sorry for venting here, but after several days of the to and fro, my patience has worn thin. I am trying to understand the review process and need to know if I have done something wrong, and how best to fix it.

Michal C.

App Rejection Issue: EULA