Can I customise CN and other data on Developer ID certificates?

Hi, I have developed a MacOS app I'd like to distribute outside app store. I am an indie developer, there is no company, just me.

If I disable gatekeeper, app installs and runs fine. But to distribute, it seems I now have to sign the app (notarise etc) - which means joining Apple Developer Program and paying $99 p.a. for the pleasure.

But before I sign up, I wanted to check what will be shown on the certificate? I'd prefer not to show my (fairly unique) name/surname for privacy reasons. Will I be able to specify CN etc for the certificate or am I doomed to publicise my name with the app?


The info in your Developer ID certificates is derived from your account details. AFAIK there’s no way to customise that, but this is the domain of Developer Programs Support. I don’t work for them and can’t offer definitive answers on their behalf. You can contact them via the Apple > Developer > Contact Us page.

Having said that, if I were publishing an app I’d start a limited liability company and publish it from there. That… well… limits my liability (-: and it also solve this problem.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

Many thanks for the reply - will contact support and see where it goes.

Regarding setting up company - I am aware - but thanks for a reminder. In my case this won't work. I am not looking to make money, the app is cross-platform freeware. Also I am not based in the US and setting up a company would have serious tax consequences for me. It would also mean significant costs (setup, accounting, reporting etc) which really don't make sense for me to bear just for the label on a certificate!

Thanks again, much appreciate the help!

Can I customise CN and other data on Developer ID certificates?