Safari runtime.onConnect() not being triggered after DNR redirect

Hi there, I've run into an issue when using runtime ports to communicate between the popup and the background of an extension. Specifically, onConnect (in the background page) is not being triggered when my extension page is displayed subsequently to a Declarative Net Request Redirection. Basically, I have DNR that redirect from '' to my extension with a rule such as :

                priority: 1,
                action: {
                    type: 'redirect',
                    redirect: {
                        regexSubstitution: `safari-web-extension://mknlkpphjfngbollbeipeekihpdomdmd/index.html\\1#/\\2`,
                condition: {
                    regexFilter: `^https?://w*\\.?app\\.mydomain\\.com(\\??[^/#]*)[^#]*#?/?(.*)$`,
                    resourceTypes: ['main_frame'],

The redirect works fine, but the onConnect is never triggered in the background page. If I load the page extension directly (without a redirect being done), it works absolutly fine. I see no error or warning. Any idea on why this issue occurs and how I could solve it ?

Thanks a lot

Safari runtime.onConnect() not being triggered after DNR redirect