AppReview Rejected Subscription Because in-app purchase API returned "Can't Connect to AppStore - Retry"

On my purchase page I use RevenueCat to make the initial purchase and in my SettingsVC I have the in-app purchase API (as required) to later resubscribe:

// ...
try await AppStore.showManageSubscriptions(in: window as! UIWindowScene)

I followed these directions and these directions. Using an iPhone 8 simulator I logged into iCloud as a sandbox tester eg., then logged into its Settings, loaded my app, made a purchase, the subscription went through and eventually expired. While in the iPhone 8 I checked my SettingsVC > in-app purchase API and it said Expired Nov 5, 2023 ... Select an option to resubscribe. So it worked. I send and the pw to App Review and got the below rejection:

Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness

We discovered one or more bugs in your app. Specifically, your app displayed an error page when the Mange Subscription tab was tapped. We found that while you have submitted in-app purchase products for your app, the in-app purchase functionality is not present in your binary. If you would like to include in-app purchases in your app, you will need to upload a new binary that incorporates the in-app purchase API to enable users to make a purchase

They sent me a screenshot and the in-app purchase API said Cannot Connect - Retry.

I later use my actual device and try these 3 ways:

1- While logged in as myself, without using any Sandbox Account, delete the app, run it again, then log into my app with

2- While logged in as myself, use a different sandbox tester such as to log into the Sandbox Account, delete the app, run it again, then log into my app with

3- While logged in as myself, use for the Sandbox Account, delete the app, run it again, then log into my app with

For all 3 RevenueCat prints the initial subscription and the expiration date, but for some reason when I go to the in-app purchase API, it always returns You do not have any subscriptions.

What's strange is when I go back to the iPhone 8 while still logged in as, the in-app purchase API still shows Expired Nov 5, 2023 ... Select an option to resubscribe.

I'm kinda lost here because to use an actual device to login, it sends a SMS, so I don't see how giving the App Reviewer the info to login into the device and iCloud will help him/her make a purchase because they can't get the SMS. I would assume they would only need, but that does't work for them.

Any advice?

AppReview Rejected Subscription Because in-app purchase API returned "Can't Connect to AppStore - Retry"