App Store Rejected My App Due to AdMob

I'm in need of some guidance regarding an issue I'm facing with the App Store review process. My app was recently rejected in the Kids Category due to the following error:

Guideline 1.3 - Safety - Kids Category "We still noticed that you have not provided any publicly documented practices and policies for third-party contextual advertising in your Kids Category app."

I'm somewhat perplexed by this rejection because a previous version of my app, which also included ads, was accepted without any problems.

I'm using AdMob and have configured it to serve only child-appropriate ads while blocking any content that may not be suitable for children .

The issue is that I'm not entirely sure what specific documentation or policies Apple is looking for in this regard. I would greatly appreciate any guidance or advice from the community on what I need to provide to address this concern and resubmit my app for review successfully.

Has anyone experienced a similar situation, or can anyone offer insights into what might be required for compliance with this guideline? Your assistance and insights would be immensely helpful, and I'm committed to making the necessary adjustments to ensure my app meets the guidelines for the Kids Category.

Thank you in advance for your support and suggestions.

App Store Rejected My App Due to AdMob