give developer account to programmer?!

I have just created my developer account and paid for 1 year subscription. I do have a programmer who will create an app for me. How can I give him access to my developer account? I don't want to give him full access to my apple account (of course!). Please advise.

Add the programmer to your team in App Store Connect.

  1. Go to your developer account page:
  2. Click the Users and Access link under App Store Connect.
  3. Click the Add (+) button to add a user to your team.
  4. Enter the programmer’s information and give him the Developer role to invite him to your team.

Thank you @szymczyk, but there is no (+) button. I only see colorful buttons "Apps", "Artists", "Books", "Media", "Podcasts".

List the steps you take to sign in to your developer account. What you are seeing is what someone without a developer account would see if they signed in to Apple.

When I sign in to my developer account, I see a Program Resources section with the following columns: App Store Connect, Certificates, IDs, and Profiles, and Additional Resources. Each of these columns has a list of links. Do you see these columns when you sign in?

Are you able to click the Users and Access link I mentioned in Step 2 in my earlier answer?

When I click the Users and Access link under App Store Connect, I see the following links at the top of the page: People, Sandbox, Keys, Shared Secret, and Xcode Cloud. The People link is the initially selected link. There is a Users sidebar with a list of categories. Selecting the All items shows all the users on my team with an Add button above the list of users. Clicking the Add button lets me add someone to my team.

I am not an Apple employee so I cannot provide more assistance. You may have to contact Apple's developer support to get this issue resolved.

Apple's support fixed the problem. Thank you for your efforts!

give developer account to programmer?!