Dev Account and Business Manager reclaimingg usernames


As our company grows, we created an Apple Business Manager account to better manage company devices and staff iCloud accounts.

Business Manager detected there are pre-existing Apple IDs using our domain and offers to reclaim their usernames. Among those: our developer accounts which are used to manage and publish our apps.

Business Manager says that reclaiming the usernames will invite the users to pick a new username.

My questions, to anyone having experience or knowledge on the matter: Is there any chance that we find ourselves locked out of our Developer Account? Is there any recommendation against reclaiming the developer account addresses?

Thank you in advance for any insights and suggestions.

(Sadly, Business Manager does not allow picking which usernames to reclaim individually. It is an all or nothing kind of situation. It does not even list the usernames, merely the total count of them)

Hi, We're looking to enable federation within ABM and so expect to encounter the same challenge when we do. We're taking some precautions, and so I've created some ABM accounts with admin role but used the suffix, so that if it does create an issue, I have a method of getting back in & fixing things. I've also used 2 of these IDs to create accounts with App Store Connect with admin roles to proof that too. The other thing you could do is transfer the account holder to an account which is not on your domain, temporarily, and then transfer back once done.

HTH, Piers

Dev Account and Business Manager reclaimingg usernames