Live video streaming issue: Blank screen on iOS 17 with AVMutablePlayer/AVPlayer

I'm encountering an issue with live video streaming on iOS 17 using AVMutablePlayer. I'm utilizing a wss URL to stream videos by capturing data in chunks (e.g., 5 seconds) and playing it. Upon completion of the 5-second segment, I load another 5 seconds using self.player.replaceCurrentItem(with: nextPlayerItem). Despite listening to events via self.player.currentItem?.observe, the functionality appears to be working well on iOS 16 but consistently displays a blank video on iOS 17.

private func playNext() { let nextSet = self.dataCollector.getNextItem(length: self.configuration.frameDelay) if nextSet.count == self.configuration.frameDelay { var playerTime:Int = self.player.currentItem != nil ? Int(CMTimeGetSeconds(player.currentTime())) : 0 var allData = Data() allData.appendAll(dataSet: dataCollector.getFileType()) nextSet.forEach { (data) in playerTime += 1 allData.append(data.getFragmentData()) self.currentFragmentTimes.updateValue(data.getFragmentTime(), forKey: playerTime) } if(allData.count > 0) { self.player.replaceCurrentItem(with: AVPlayerItem(asset: AVMutableMovie(data:allData, options: nil))) self.playerInitializedTime = nil } } }

Live video streaming issue: Blank screen on iOS 17 with AVMutablePlayer/AVPlayer