subscription is locked on waiting for review


I've been having a frustrating time with Apple regarding my app's submission. I initially submitted a build (version 1.2.27) of my app that included a "Full Access" subscription feature. Shortly after, I decided to cancel this submission to update and resubmit a newer version. But now, I'm stuck because the "Full Access" subscription seems locked in a "Waiting for Review" status. This means I can't select it for my new submission.

I reached out to Apple Support for help. I explained that my problem isn't with canceling the submission but with being unable to choose the "Full Access" subscription for the new version. They responded quickly but only provided a link to manage version submissions, which doesn't really address my specific issue. So, I had to clarify again that I need guidance on how to unlock the subscription from its current status so I can move forward with my app's resubmission.

It's a bit of a loop, and I'm still waiting for a solution from them.

Any progress on this? I have a subscription which I submitted too early (new app business model) and now it is locked. I uploaded a new binary, but am not sure how to "unlock" the subscription so I can add it to the app to submit for review...

subscription is locked on waiting for review