MapKit UI - Marker / Protocol help

Hi , I'm trying to teach myself the new Mapkit code. Can someone help me fix the code below:

I'm getting the following error on Line 19: Initializer 'init(coordinateRegion:interactionModes:showsUserLocation:userTrackingMode:annotationItems:annotationContent:)' requires that 'Marker<Text>' conform to 'MapAnnotationProtocol'

import MapKit

struct IdentifiableAnnotation: Identifiable {
    let id = UUID()
    var annotation: MKPointAnnotation

struct ContentView: View {
    @ObservedObject var locationManager: LocationManager
    @State private var showUserProfile = false
    @State private var showNotifications = false
    @State private var showFriendz = false
    @State private var courtAnnotations: [IdentifiableAnnotation] = []

    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            ZStack(alignment: .bottom) {
                Map(coordinateRegion: $locationManager.region,
                    interactionModes: .all,
                    showsUserLocation: true,
                    userTrackingMode: .none,
                    annotationItems: courtAnnotations) { item in
                    Marker(<#LocalizedStringKey#>, coordinate: item.annotation.coordinate)

Did you end up solving the issue?

The approach would be to iterate inside the map using ForEach() to add the markers. Add a title string property to IdentifiableAnnotation and display it as such:

Map(coordinateRegion: $locationManager.region,
    interactionModes: .all,
    showsUserLocation: true,
    userTrackingMode: .none) {
    ForEach(courtAnnotations) { item in
        Marker(item.title, coordinate: item.annotation.coordinate)
MapKit UI - Marker / Protocol help