(React-Native Expo) App crashes when installed from TestFlight, but works fine in Expo.

No warnings in expo eas build, no warnings in transporter, no error messages, no outdated dependencies, all my tools are on the last software update.

Does anyone have the same issue? And tips to find the error?

I am having the same issue. This application has been released for a couple of years, and has never had this issue. The enhancements are several screens deep into the app and should not impact anything when it opens. I have done error trapping everywhere I can to avoid this issue. I can't help but think it is an updated component that is causing the issue, but I don't have a clue where to look.

I removed the "react-native-reanimated": "~3.3.0",dependency and it solved my problem.

The App was crashing on startup in Test Flight and now is not. This is using expo 49.

(React-Native Expo) App crashes when installed from TestFlight, but works fine in Expo.