Where do I see the results of a TSI

I submitted a TSI, I see it in the "Submitted incidents" section of the dev account page, it shows a ref ID, date, and status as "Used".

A few days after submitting the TSI I only got an email of "How was your support experience?" but I never got an actual response to the TSI itself. I searched all emails, spam, and went through the dev site - nothing there.


  • In what way of communications are TSIs responses are sent? Is this supposed to be an email, should it show up in the dev page?
  • How can I find out if this specific TSI has been already taken care of and for some reasons I didn't get the response, or is it still pending to get handleD?

For context, this TSI is extremely important to us. We got our app rejected, but the reviewer couldn't give any technical details why, just repeat the same review rejection code. When asking for details the reviewer directed us to file a TSI to get more specific pointers on what is triggering the rejection. Not sure if that is a common practice, seemed a but weird that there is enough information to get rejected but it cannot be shared.

The response is supposed to be an email, and no it is not shown on the web page.

Where do I see the results of a TSI