Donate all app revenue to charity

Hello, I have a paid app which I have been developing for a few years as a hobby, and which gives me some small revenue each month. I would like to donate all revenue to some charity. One reason is that the revenue is not yet big enough to make it worth dealing with the tax bureaucracy of my country each month.

The ideal solution would be if the app store provided an option, instead of transferring the app revenue to my bank account each month to transfer all revenue directly to some charity, without me accepting any payments and interfering with payments in any way.

This would completely eliminate all tax related bureaucracy and obligations from my side.

The idea is that If at some point in the future, the app revenue increases to a point that makes it worth it, then, ideally, I would simply be able to direct revenues (or part of the revenues) to my own bank account again and work with the app full time.

Has anyone encountered any similar problem? Can you see any other solution other than making my app completely free?

Donate all app revenue to charity