Signature requirement for third-party SDKs

The Upcoming third-party SDK requirements say that

Signatures are also required in these cases where the listed SDKs are used as binary dependencies.

Does the signature have to be a signature from the original developer of the SDK? I ask because we may need to modify some of our third-party SDKs before including them in our app, and I'm wondering if we'll be OK if we sign the framework.


Based on

It seems like it is possible to self-sign third-party SDKs. It looks like XCode will track a signed framework from the point when it was first introduced in your XCode project. If the signature changes, it's a sign that that framework has been tampered with.

There are legitimate reasons why a framework signature may have changed including:

the provider of a third-party SDK transfers ownership of the SDK to another organization, who release a version that’s signed with the new organization’s Team ID.

you switch from a vendor-supplied distribution of an XCFramework to a version that you build and sign yourself.

A changed code signature can also indicate that the XCFramework has been tampered with, or another actor has injected their own code into your system, pretending it’s a version of the XCFramework.

In which case, XCode suppose to show a dialog alowing you to accept the change.

I haven't tested any of this myself but it does seem to be open enough that you can make modifications to a third-party SDK.

Signature requirement for third-party SDKs