Camera Index Switch(RealityKit) Shader Graph Node in Reality Composer Pro does't work.

In my project, i want to use new shadergraphmaterial to do the stereoscopic render, i notice that there is a node called Camera Index Switch Node can do this. But when i tried it , i found that :

  1. It can only output Integer type value, when i change to float value , it change back again, i don't konw if it is a bug.

2. So i test this node with a IF node,i found that it output is weird. Below is zero should output,it is black but when i change to IF node,it is grey,it is neither 0 nor 1(My IF node result is TRUE result 1, FALSE result 0)

I wanna ask if this is a bug, and if this is a correct way to do the stereoscopic render.

Sorry It is my fault, i have another reference material in the scene , and some node seems not below to this graph.

In my project, i want to use new shadergraphmaterial to do the stereoscopic render, i notice that there is a node called Camera Index Switch Node can do this. But when i tried it , i found that : It can only output Integer type value, when i change to float value , it change back again, i don't konw if it is a bug.

It does appear that there may be an issue where you cannot change the output type after removing a node connection. Please file a bug report for this issue using Feedback Assistant.

As a workaround, try removing the node and re-adding a Camera Index Switch node, and then set the output type you want.


I am looking to render 3D video from a stack of stereoscopic (left + right) frames in Apple Vision Pro. I've got 3D movies like Big Buck Bunny ( and I've got the AVAssetTracks.

How do I use Camera Index Switch (RealityKit) ShaderGraph content? It's not clear how I include the Reality Composer Pro content in SwiftUI. Or do I have to render fully immersive Metal?

Thanks! Yang

Camera Index Switch(RealityKit) Shader Graph Node in Reality Composer Pro does't work.