Publish my App in China Mainland Need ICP Number?

When i submit an new app it says " ICP Number" needed.

As an independent chinese developer in beijing ,we got that "the mini game witout an self hosting server does not need an ICP by MIIT china".

Can apple review team make some change?

Hey ConnerZ, navigating the ICP number requirement for publishing apps in Mainland China can indeed be a bit complex. Here’s a bit more clarity on it. If your app, like a mini-game, doesn’t use its own hosting server, you might think an ICP license from MIIT China isn’t necessary. However, Apple’s guidelines and Chinese local laws don’t always match up neatly.

It is important to note that starting September 1, 2023, MIIT has made it mandatory for all new apps to complete the ICP Filing process before hitting the app stores in China. This rule isn’t just for the Apple App Store; it applies across the board, including all Android and mini-program app stores in the country. For a deeper dive into China's new Mobile ICP requirements and how to get one, here's a helpful article that you can check out: [ ]

Hi ConnerZ, I am also in Beijing and encountered the same problem. How did you publish successfully?

Publish my App in China Mainland Need ICP Number?