Blank widgets after app updates on iOS17

After updating our app some of our users are seeing that their widget has gone blank, the whole widget it just white. The only way to make the widget render again is to reboot the phone. This seems to be happening randomly and mainly on iOS17.

Looking on the web, seems like other people are also having this issue so hopefully Apple will make a fix at some point but I'm wondering if other people have had this issue and figured out a workaround to stop it happening?


I have the same issue, I dont know how to fix it. and yes the only way to make the widget render again is to reboot the phone!

same here since i've migrated to WidgetKit and it's so frustrating

I am seeing the same problem, albeit during development for iOS 17. My widgets work fine on the simulator, but they have a tendency to get stuck on the real phone. It is hit or miss, it sometimes renders like it should, sometimes it doesn't. And if I step back and forth between my commits, it sometimes changes the existing widgets to the previous versions, and it sometimes don't. My best guess is that it has some cache it won't update, like it refuses to run the timelineProvider again. So frustrating to work with.

I am also having the same issue, except they don't refresh even after rebooting the phone. There is one specific widget that is just not working.

Blank widgets after app updates on iOS17