Not receiving REFUND notifications in sandbox


I am following and trying to test refund requests.

I am able to trigger refund requests from my app (in sandbox) using

I do see that the notification URL receives a NotificationTypeV2.CONSUMPTION_REQUEST but it's not receiving NotificationTypeV2.REFUND

The product for which the refund is triggered is a consumable type

Is this expected behavior? How can I test REFUND without this?


Hello gsin, the best way for us to investigate this would be to understand which Sandbox transaction this is for. Could you please file a ticket in Feedback Assistant ( with the CONSUMPTION_REQUEST notification you received, and then post the FB number here please.


I have filed a ticket in Feedback Assistant: FB13479944

It has the JWSTransactionDecodedPayload that I received with the NotificationTypeV2.CONSUMPTION_REQUEST


Hello again,

Is there any update on this? The behavior in recent tests is the same - I am receiving a CONSUMPTION_REQUEST notification but no REFUND notification

Hi @gsin - were you able to see the updates in your ticket? If you file in the future, feel free to include a link to your forum post too.

From the notes I see they confirm a REFUND notification was sent at 12/19/23 at 11:20:57 PM PST

Let us know if you are still having issues.

Not receiving REFUND notifications in sandbox