how to set run duration for dyld activity instrument

Hi, I noticed that when I use dyld activity instrument run duration is about 20s Is it possible to customized it? I'd like to set it to something more, so when I start process I would able to capture event that could happen more than 20s after process start thanks

Hi there,

I assume that you are using "dyld Activity" instrument by opening "App Launch" template. This template has a default recording option to record in deferred mode with 20 second time limit. It is setup this way because of expensive "Context Switch Sampling" option which is enabled for "Time Profiler" instrument.

You can adjust time limit in "Recording options" by clicking on "File -> Recording Options...", expand "Global Options" and change the time limit.

Or you can use "dyld Activity" instrument separately from "App Launch" template by creating new document (Cmd+N), choose "Blank" template, click "Add Instrument" (plus button at top left), find "dyld Activity" and double click on the instrument. "Blank" template has a 12 hours time limit by default.

how to set run duration for dyld activity instrument