Account inaccessible for four days

Hello all, my company has experienced an unusual issue with Apple Store Connect. We have a different account than the one I'm posting on here that already has been in existence for some time and has one app active in the App Store.

Four days ago the company's developer got blocked from the account for inserting the 2FA code too many times.

Since that point in time when I go to try and login to the same account (I have access to the email, password, phone number and devices associated to the account) I too get the same error message. The developer is based in Canada and I'm temporarily in Tunisia. (I'm a Canadian citizen and bought my devices in Canada)

When we go to reset the password it won't send a verification code to the phone because it says that codes have been attempted too many times.

When I go and get a code from the iPhone associated to the account the codes provided on the iPhone don't work. This may be because the iPhone is associated to a different personal email. (that also uses iCloud—so the phone number is associated to more than one Apple service)

When we go to try and contact customer support at App Store Connect it requires us to login to the account to be able to contact support. (But logging in is the issue)

Does anyone know what we can do at this point?

Thanks for any assistance or suggestions.


Account inaccessible for four days