Immersive AR mode of WebXR in visionOS Safari

After enabling WebXR following instructions from, I can successfully run WebXR, but it is limited to VR. I cannot get AR running.

If I try await navigator.xr.isSessionSupported("immersive-ar"), the result is false. But if I try await navigator.xr.isSessionSupported("immersive-vr"), the result is true.

I double checked that I specifically checked the box "WebXR Augmented Reality Module" in the Safari feature flags. Any idea how to enable WebXR AR mode? Thanks in advance!

the AR session is currently not supported, there has been no conversations about supporting webXR-AR.

"Safari on Vision Pro currently has testable support for WebXR, available behind a feature flag while we collaborate with the W3C Immersive Web Working Group on updates to the web standard. WebKit supports the immersive-vr session type in WebXR. Vision Pro does not have external controllers. Instead, you can request the “hand-tracking” feature to let users interact with your content.

Visit the Immersive Web Working Group developer page at to learn more about getting started with different frameworks that include WebXR support and to find one that best fits your project."


Immersive AR mode of WebXR in visionOS Safari