"Login with apple" logic should be reconcidered

This is the follow up to this post post

Tinder walkaround requires alot of extra work -> sending confirmation e-mail & handling that and all the cases.

Apple should realy make that optional! As an example for my application option to sign in anonymously is not "best user experience" as a user is added to the "group" trough email and if by missatke he/she login with annonymus account and try to sign out to try sign in with normal account the option of choosing "normal" email will not be longer available. Then they need to go trough iphone settings and clear that (which no one acctuelly knows abbout)! There are some fixes where one can "revokeTokenWithAuthorizationCode" when signing out but those are just "fixes" that makes everything ugly.

So dear apple the logic that this is for the "best user experience" does not hold for every application so that should be reconcidered, please!

An absolute load of word salad.

Regardless, this isn't something that developers on the Developer Forums can help you with. We aren't Apple's developers; we're just people who develop apps for Apple's platforms - we do not work at Apple.

Your issue is more of a feedback report, so please report it in the appropriate place. (Hint: this is not the appropriate place.)

"Login with apple" logic should be reconcidered