Checking In-App Subscription Status in Keyboard Extension

Hi all,

I have an app which is essentially a keyboard extension. Some features of the keyboard require a subscription to work, and this subscription can be bought in the main app.

My question is, can the keyboard extension use StoreKit 2 to verify the validity of a subscription created in the main app? If this isn't possible (due to sandboxing or whatever), I suppose I can just write status information that's shared using an app group, but the problem with this is that the app is likely to run seldomly. This mean that if the subscription is cancelled or lapses, the main app may not see it for a while, and the keyboard will continue to functions even though it has expired.

One other thing I've thought of is maybe to share the receipt of the purchase with the extension, and have the keyboard sync and verify the receipt periodically with Apple's servers. Is this the proper way to do it?


Checking In-App Subscription Status in Keyboard Extension