App Rejection for Design 4.3 – Need Help!

Hey community,

Spent a good two years crafting a multi-protocols VPN app for iOS and Android. Exciting news – the Android version's live on Google Play. However, hit a roadblock with the iOS version; it got the rejection stamp, and we've been trying to sort it out for two weeks now. Sent over four inquiries and even asked for a phone call with the Reviewer, but no luck so far. The rejection reason is Design 4.3, and they're talking about a similar binary, metadata, and concept. We're all ears for suggestions on resolving this and keen on getting our app on the App Store. Any insights or help would be awesome!

Cheers, Mo

Hi, we are facing 4.3 rejection too. Did you find a solution to it? Can you share anything about how to overcome it?

App Rejection for Design 4.3 – Need Help!