Trouble resetting HomePod with Beta 17.3. Update Server not found

I have been using the HomePod 17.3 Beta for while and wanted to reset it yesterday. Now I can not set up both my HomePods (one OG and one Mini) anymore. Setup with iPhone and iPad keeps failing after 2 minutes. When the Mini is plugged into the Mac and I click "restore" I get an error message "Update server could not be contacted". Any idea?

Other console logs show these kind of items

-[DownloadInfo addNewRateDataPoint:]: DownloadInfo taskDescriptor: com_apple_MobileAsset_HomeKit.xml . task: BackgroundDownloadTask <1BF198E7-DAD9-4441-97DB-3E025D5AC74C>.<4> taskState: running statusCode: -1 downloadSize: 0 progress: 0 / 0 isStalled: NO numStalls: 0 numNoLongerStalls: 0 backtracks: 0 callbackCount: 1 hasExtractor: NO originalUrl: cacheServerUrl: (null) assetType: (null) purpose: (null) shouldRetry: YES ifModifiedDate: (null) options: MADownloadOptions allowsCellular: 0 resourceTimeout: 900 canUseCacheServer: 0 discretionary: 0 disableUI: 0 sessionId: (null) additionalServerParams:(null) allowsExpensiveAccess:1 requiresPowerPluggedIn: 0 prefersInfraWiFi: 1 liveServerOnly: -1 DownloadAuthorizationHeader: not present analyticsData: not present allowDaemonConnectionRetries: 0 + MAMsuDownloadOptions reqProdVersion: (null) delayPeriod: 0 managedDevice: 0 allowSameVersion: 0 prereqBuild: (null) prereqVersion: (null) prereqReleaseType: (default) liveAssetAudienceUUID: (null) purpose: (null) [DOWNLOAD_INFO] {addNewRateDataPoint} Download has not progressed since last update, however, download appears to be complete. Previous Total Downloaded: 0, Total Expected: 0

or the Xcode devices app Previous preparation error: The developer disk image could not be mounted on this device.. Error mounting image: 0xe800010f (kAMDMobileImageMounterPersonalizedBundleMissingVariantError: The bundle image is missing the requested variant for this device.)

  • crickets *

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Trouble resetting HomePod with Beta 17.3. Update Server not found