Cannot open the app received via TestFlight on macOS

I send a macOS app build to appStoreConnect. The app is displayed inside TestFlight but when I click on it to open it, two modal appear.

The first one:

  • the application "AppName" can't be opened. -10673

The second one:

  • "AppName" No longer Available. The beta app, AppName, is no longer available. The provisioning profile is invalid.

I followed the following step before uploading the app archive:

  • I made sure to purge my Mac from all the old provisioning profile
  • having all my provisioning profile from my apple developer account valid
  • retrieve provisioning profile Xcode settings > Accounts to export an archive.
  • I choose TestFlight & App Store to send the Archive.

I am still no understanding which part of my provisioning profiles are not valid, I would love to have insight about it or a way to fix the issue.

Cannot open the app received via TestFlight on macOS