Trying to extract Song Array from Shazamkit

I am try to extract the audio file url from Shazamkit, it is deep inside the hierarchy of SHMediaItem > songs > previewAssets > url

when I access the url with like this:

let url = firstItem.songs[0].previewAssets?[0].url

I am getting a warning like this:

here is the Variable Viewer

this is what I have done so far:

struct MediaItems: Codable {
    let title: String?
    let subtitle: String?
    let shazamId: String?
    let appleMusicId: String?
    let appleMusicUrL: URL?
    let artworkUrl: URL?
    let artist: String?
    let matchOffset: TimeInterval?
    let videoUrl: URL?
    let webUrl: URL?
    let genres: [String]
    let isrc: String?
    let songs: [Song]?

extension SwiftFlutterShazamKitPlugin: SHSessionDelegate{
    public func session(_ session: SHSession, didFind match: SHMatch) {
        let mediaItems = match.mediaItems
        if let firstItem = mediaItems.first {

            // extracting the url
            let url = firstItem.songs[0].previewAssets?[0].url

            let _shazamMedia = MediaItems(
            do {
                let jsonData = try JSONEncoder().encode([_shazamMedia])
                let jsonString = String(data: jsonData, encoding: .utf8)!
                self.callbackChannel?.invokeMethod("matchFound", arguments: jsonString)
            } catch {
                callbackChannel?.invokeMethod("didHasError", arguments: "Error when trying to format data, please try again")
Answered by areebvohra in 776670022

Not solved

It looks like the warning you are getting might be because you're trying to encode the MusicKit Song using Codable.

SHMediaItem actually conforms to NSSecureCoding in ObjC. Is there a reason why you need to declare your own MediaItems? You might be able to just use NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData to encode the SHMediaItem itself.

firstItem.songs[0].previewAssets?[0].url should work, but I would recommend using first? instead of the subscript, so you can check for nil values properly.

Accepted Answer

Not solved

I added my own MediaItem to resolve the "Failed decode" warning but that didn't work. Even if I use let url = firstItem.songs.first?.previewAssets?.first?.url I'm still getting the same warning.

In thee Variable Viewer we see _rawResponseSongs Dictionary, I need to access that without triggering the warning.

Trying to extract Song Array from Shazamkit