Aggregating Xcode Metrics Measure Test Reporting in Xcode or Command Line

Hi! I'm experimenting with Xcode performance testing. I'm specifically focusing on XCTMemoryMetric. I have a demo project with two performance tests that do some work wrapped with XCTestCase.measure. I can navigate to my Report navigator in Xcode and see the memory footprints of these two tests… but I only see how to view them individually:

From this screen it looks like I have the ability to Export this benchmark to CSV.

My question is what my options are for viewing all my XCTestCase.measure tests together. I see the Duration for both tests… but I don't see any way to view the memory benchmarks for all my tests in just one place:

Ideally… I would also like to run these tests and produce one CSV file (or XML or JSON) report. I'm not opposed to using command line for this (if the option exists there) but Xcode also works for me. I'm also flexible whether or not these tests live in a Swift Package or directly in an Xcode project if that makes any difference.

Any more advice about how to set up these performance tests? Thanks!

You might be able to use xcresulttool for this.

There is more information about xcresulttool on this page, in the section called "View the objects in a result bundle"

You might be able to use xcresulttool for this.

I'll take a look. Thanks!

Aggregating Xcode Metrics Measure Test Reporting in Xcode or Command Line