Updated Subscription pricing is not being charged by the App Store

Hello, We recently updated (increased) the pricing for annual subscription of our app on the app store. We changed the starting price. On the front end of the app, this is updated as well. On a user's phone, the annual subscription shows with the updated pricing.

Unfortunately, when users are actually subscribing, the dollar value is not showing the updated pricing. We have verified that the actual price charged is the old pricing.

What can be the possible issues with my pricing update?

Steps we have taken for updating price is the following:

  1. Selected App
  2. Selected Features -> subscriptions
  3. Selected the specific Annual subscription plan
  4. In the Subscription Prices section -> Click on "View all Subscription Pricing"
  5. Updated Starting Plans as well as Starting Date.

Please help. Thanks

I would start with Apple Developer Support given this less so a technical implementation concern but rather pricing managed in App Store Connect. https://developer.apple.com/support/

Updated Subscription pricing is not being charged by the App Store