It comes up with "Error in xcode cloud: python@3.11: the bottle needs the Apple Command Line Tools to be installed." and asks me to install "python@3.11".

I am doing brew install awscli with my When doing so, I get the following error and awscli can no longer be installed.

I remember that this error did not occur at the time of macOS Ventura 13.6.3, xcode 14.3.1 and only occurred after upgrading to macOS Sonoma 14, xcode 15.0.1, but I am now getting the same error after reverting back to macOS Ventura 13.6.3, xcode 14.3.1.

Error: python@3.11: the bottle needs the Apple Command Line Tools to be installed.

  You can install them, if desired, with: xcode-select --install

    xcode-select --install

If you're feeling brave, you can try to install from source with: brew install --build-from

  brew install --build-from-source python@3.11

I know that awscli depends on python 3.11, but I don't think it's an awscli problem because I was using awscli before the error appeared and was able to use it without any problems.

I am wondering why the error suddenly appeared and whether the response to put brew install --build-from-source python@3.11 is correct. Thank you in advance for your response.

@every_noguchi I have the same issue!

@dsenatore_bets How was it resolved? Can you tell us about it for reference?

@every_noguchi is not resolved yet. Please kindly let me know if you manage to resolve this.

It's the same here after glib started requiring python@3.12. My builds fail because I need to have imagemagick work, and I am unable to fix it.

It comes up with "Error in xcode cloud: python@3.11: the bottle needs the Apple Command Line Tools to be installed." and asks me to install "python@3.11".