Xcode 15.2 - ObjC Swift Bridging broken?

I have an older project with a mixed ObjC + Swift codebase. I'm in the process of converting everything to Swift in the hopes that Xcode will work better again when the Codebase is not mixed anymore.

This is an example of the issues I'm currently facing:

The class IVMapViewController is defined in ObjC and the property mapViewModel is declared in the ObjC Header fine. The ObjC Header file is included in the bridging header. I'm trying to access the property mapViewModel in an swift extension on the same class.

I can actually compile & run the code just fine, but Xcode Autocompletion does not work, and Xcode generates "Phantom" errors in the Issue Navigator (those errors also stay there when a build completes successful)

On the other hand, if I put an actual error in the code, compilation fails, but the actual error will NOT show up in the Issue Navigator. I'll have to dig through the build log to find the actual error.

Am I doing anything wrong? Do I need to adjust some project setting?

Xcode 15.2 - ObjC Swift Bridging broken?