AppClip+TipKit: Tips status stuck at .pending and don't display

Hi - I use TipKit in my App and AppClip. TipKit is configured with the app group's datastore. The tips show in the App, but on the AppClip, with the same rules/state, the tips do not display. Is this expected? TipKit is not listed as one of the frameworks unavailable to AppClips.

        try? Tips.configure([
            Tips.ConfigurationOption.datastoreLocation(.groupContainer(identifier: BuildConfiguration.shared.userDefaultsSuite))

figure it out?

Thanks for taking the time to share your question here. Unfortunately, it hasn't received an answer yet. Here are a few suggestions that might help it attract more attention:

  • Provide more details: Expanding on your post to include any error messages, code snippets, steps you've already taken to troubleshoot, and the expected/actual outcomes would be very helpful.
  • Be specific about your technology stack: Clearly state the programming languages, frameworks, or tools you are using.
  • Check for duplicates: Before posting, make sure your question hasn't been asked before. You can use the search bar to find similar threads.

I'm sure someone in the community will be able to help once you have a chance to update your post.

Albert Pascual
  Worldwide Developer Relations.

AppClip+TipKit: Tips status stuck at .pending and don't display