About how to operate CarKeyRemoteControlSession() and vehicleReports() API

I am developing a carkey application.

I have applied to MFi and have obtained a com.apple.developer.carkey.session entitlement.

By setting session in Entitlement.plist, the program I created can call CarKeyRemoteControl.start and obtain the session.

However, even if VehicleReport() is called, information cannot be obtained and the return value is always empty.

In the iPhone standard Wallet, a button is displayed below CarKey, and you can lock and unlock it.

My question is, com.apple.developer.carkey.session is set in Entitlement.plist, but do I need to set anything else, such as manufacturerIdentifier? . Also, if I need it, what format should I use?

for example, What should I do if I want to specify "TEST" for manufacturerIdentifier?


First, you must be a vehicle manufacturer or sub-manufacturer with the required hardware environment to program for the respective vehicles.



The object that manages communication with the vehicles you manufacture.

About how to operate CarKeyRemoteControlSession() and vehicleReports() API