I'm experimenting with the relatively new (to me) compact DatePicker. I'd like a column of aligned fields, the first two on top are date pickers for user input, the ones below that are dates outputted in textfields calculated from dates input by user. In Interface Builder in Xcode, it looks mostly like I want it, black text centered in white rectangular text fields. But in production on my iPhone, the DatePickers are functional, but they are not centered and they appear on a gray background. I haven't been able to figure out what settings to adjust to make the DatePicker's date centered and on white background. Screenshots attached. Grateful for help.
size, color formatting of DatePicker
I couldn't find an easy way to alter the text color but regarding alignment, you could select all the vertical fields and embed them in a stack view. That way, you can center them relative to the stack view.
Did you try to set constraint for the width of the date pickers equal to the width of a TextField
@myuncle: Good idea, I could do the stack view. But I still don't want the gray rounded rectangle around the black lettering of the dates themselves in the date pickers. Still haven't figured out how to handle this. --JS
@claude31: Yes, I did set the constraint for the width of the date pickers to the same value (160) as the text fields beneath them. --JS