ITMS-90511 CFBundleidentifier Collision

I submitted an Mac Appstore App which has an embedded Java JRE. The first upload with ApplicationLoader went fine, but was automatically rejected due to a code signing error, which is now corrected. But I cannot upload the corrected build, getting "ITMS-90511: "CFBundleidemtifier Collision. The Info.plist CFBundleidentifier value '' of' is already in use by another application".

Any suggestions are highly appreciated.

Thanks, Manfred

Almost the same here. I'm trying to submit my app with embedded Java JRE to Mac App Store.

I've signed all executables inside "jre" folder to enable sandboxing amd made a .pkg file. Command "altool --validate-app" shows no errors, but uploading via Application Loader fails with this message: "ERROR ITMS-90511: "CFBundleIdentifier Collision. The Info.plist CFBundleIdentifier value '' of '<My App>.app/Contents/PlugIns/jdk1.8.0_60.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/bin/java' is already in use by another application."

Executables in "jre/bin" have embedded Info.plist with CFBundleIdentifier '' so I don't know what can be done about it.

Any ideas?



anylogic did you figure it out? I have the same issue, I'm using the Zen JavaFX Maven plugin version 8.1.4. It is supposed to take care of the Mac App store package issues. Are you also getting the LSApplicationCategoryType key in the Info.plist is Unknown error as well?

I solved the LSApplicationCategoryType issue by placing an Info.plist in the macosx deploy folder.

Submitted post on the OpenJFX forum, there seems to be an app submitted that is using the Oracle JDK. Which is preventing everyone from submitting an app unless they change the JDK Info.plist file<Something Different Here> The OpenJFX forum suggested a time based hash code, I used a random time based UUID and removed the dashes. Once I did that I was able to get past the ID Collision.

Congratulations! BTW, do you have jre/bin executable files inside your folder (like jre/bin/java)? Usually jre is embedded via appbundler.jar and it makes jre plugin without jre/bin, but I don't use appbundler. I'm just wondering if it's even possible to submit jre plugin with jre/bin/java.

I have the same issue - I tried adding a different CFbundleIdentifier to the plist file but I am unable to change the Identifier of the jre/bin/java

I codesign the jave executeable using terminal, my signing key and a plist file similar to the steps at this post Everything works except this duplication of the Bundle Identifier.

I am not the only one with this problem CFBundleIdentifier Collision - The Info.plist CFBundleIdentifier value '' of 'java' is already in use by another application

Please assist in how to change the CFBundleIdentifier or is it not something that can be changed?

If I force the change using codesign -s (Vertificate) - i (A new budnle indetifier) then the java executeable becomes useless...

@sselvia1 how did yo manage to fix this?

Hi anylogic

Did you mange to embed and sign a jre/bin/java? I am trying al sorts of wierd and wonderfull things but it is not working

)You'll have to copy a JDK, edit "Info.plist" (change CFBundleIdentifier) and use the "bundleArguments" attribute in javafx gradle plugin

bundleArguments = [

runtime: '<path-to-your-own-jdk>'


Is there any solution to this?

ITMS-90511 CFBundleidentifier Collision