"response code 500 UNEXPECTED_ERROR" with patch. AppStoreConnect_Swift_SDK

I'm using AppStoreConnect_Swift_SDK to add achievements to Game Center. Everything looks ok. I'm able to add achievements, localizations, and seem to be sending the images correctly. Yet when I try to update 'isUploaded' to 'true', I get "The request failed with response code 500 UNEXPECTED_ERROR".

And while the error says it's server side, I suspect it is something wrong on my side. GCAI.id is the image reservation id.

let data = GameCenterAchievementImageUpdateRequest.Data(type: .gameCenterAchievementImages, id: GCAI.id, attributes: .init(isUploaded: true))
let req = GameCenterAchievementImageUpdateRequest(data: data)

let request = APIEndpoint.v1.gameCenterAchievementImages.id(GCAI.id).patch(req)

let gcaiRes = try await self.provider.request(request).data

Other than going through the SDK, this looks like Hubert's Video. So I suspect it doesn't like something else but the error just isn't that informative? I could ask the SDK author but every issue I've worked out so far has just been from misunderstanding the API and not related to the SDK itself.

It's now mostly working. Still a few 500s. So either the issue wasn't me and resolved itself or the right person read the post a flipped a switch. I did make a change in getting the file size but I don't think that's it.

"response code 500 UNEXPECTED_ERROR" with patch. AppStoreConnect_Swift_SDK