Acceptable level of obfuscation for App Review

New member here, please be gentle :) I am getting ready for App Review for my first iOS app, and I am curious if ANY level of obfuscation is allowed? Say I had a drone controller App, I might have something like this:

struct Drone{
    var name : String
    var forwardVelocity : Double
    var lateralVelocity : Double
    var verticalVelocity : Double
    var receivedSignalStrength : Int
    var rssThreshhold : Int
    var gpsCoordinates : Data
    func reverseCourse(){
        //do a 180

func onUpdateReceivedSignalStength(drone:Drone){
    if drone.receivedSignalStrength < drone.rssThreshhold{

But I don't really want to make it easy for someone to pull the strings from the binaries and try and copy my work. I realize it's pretty much inevitable, but it seems sensible to protect my IP as much as I can. Is something like this acceptable?

struct D{ //obfuscated Drone
    var parameter1 : String //name
    var parameter2 : Double //forwardVelocity
    var parameter3 : Double //lateralVelocity
    var parameter4 : Double //verticalVelocity
    var parameter5 : Int //receivedSignalStength
    var parameter6 : Int //rssThreshhold
    var parameter7 : Data //gpsCoordinates
    func funcSeven(){
        //do a 180

func funcSix(d:D){ //check if signal strength requires a course reversal
    if d.parameter5 < d.parameter6{ // signal strength less than threshhold
        d.funcSeven() //reverse course

The comments make it clear what the similarly-named parameters are doing, and what the functions do. I fully understand that something like the below is a no-no, just writing it made my eyes bleed:

struct DDF{
    var SXR : String
    var KYV : Double
    var GTC : Double
    var DKY : Double
    var ENY : Int
    var WKN : Int
    var DJV : Data
    func BDO(){
        //do a 180

func PUL(KHY:DDF){
    if KHY.ENY < KHY.WKN{

Is there any level of IP protection through obscurity that is acceptable? I realize that the more genericized the variable and function names are, the harder it is to debug, but that might be an acceptable trade-off against IP protection.

To be clear, my app isn't anything to do with drones, this was just a vehicle to ask the question with. My code isn't currently at all obfuscated, everything is in clear terms, but I am wondering if I could/should obfuscate the critical parts before App Review and release?

The reason for my concern is that a key feature of the app is something very novel, and I have filed a patent application for it. The patent (if granted) won't be granted for 18-24 months, so anything I can do to protect the IP seems like the right thing to do.

As a complete newcomer to releasing Apps, I have no experience at all, so I would be grateful for any help/steers from those that do have experience in trying to protect their IP while not making life difficult for the App Review team.

Thanks in advance!


I am curious if ANY level of obfuscation is allowed?

Yes, any level of obfuscation is allowed... because it’s totally irrelevant to App Review. They review only your final binary and never see your source code. You can write code with clear symbol names or incomprehensible symbol names and it makes no difference.

But I don't really want to make it easy for someone to pull the strings from the binaries and try and copy my work.

You can search around the web for much more discussion of this, but basically that’s a pretty difficult thing to do on the iOS platform. And if someone did extract your binary, they won’t see your symbol names. Those disappear during the build process for your final binary. In fact that’s why you’ll see references to needing to “symbolicate” crash reports obtained from user devices: the crash report doesn’t contain any function names because they aren’t on the device at all.

Try this: take your .app bundle built from a Release (not Debug) configuration, and search through all the files in it for the kind of strings you are worried about. You shouldn’t find them.

If you are coming from a platform where obfuscation is a more normal thing to do, that really doesn’t apply on iOS.

Acceptable level of obfuscation for App Review