Force Update required after App Transfer for Push Notifications?

This question is a follow-on and clarification from this earlier post.

I'd just like to confirm that after an App Transfer has been completed, whether there is any need for a new release to be cut? Judging from the prior post, my understanding is that a new release would not be necessary, and that all the existing versions of the app will continue to connect successfully with the APN servers.

The only necessary update would be the server connection between the APN servers and the server used to generate notifications, with a new token or certificate.

Is my understanding correct?

That is correct. All versions of the app with the same Bundle ID will receive notifications sent by the new team using their new credentials.

Once the app is transferred, all versions of the app with the same Bundle ID are considered belonging to the new team, regardless of which team may have built it.

I use FireBase to send notifications, I would also like to transfer my application to another apple account.

in your experience, what exactly should I do once the transfer is done?

Should I just update the APNs authentication key on the FireBase console? Should I also change the team ID?

doesn't this involve regenerating a new GoogleService-Info.plist file? and thus updating the application?

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Force Update required after App Transfer for Push Notifications?