The store kit review pop up appears hidden behind UI

The store review alert is shown hidden behind UI, I'm 100% sure it shows up, and I can see it when the current view is empty/transparent.

I tried using various ways to find the current window, launching on different threads but nothing works. I have no idea what else to try the library doesn't really provide any documentation or anything. If it matters we are using the unity framework in the app, and it is a multi-window app.

if let scene = UIApplication.shared.connectedScenes.first as? UIWindowScene {
        serviceProvider.reviewService.requestReview(in: scene)

this is the invocation, the service then calls

func requestReview(in scene: UIWindowScene) {
    SKStoreReviewController.requestReview(in: scene)

the result is that the prompt is shown, but it is hidden behind ui elements, if the view is empty, the prompt is visible and interactable.

The store kit review pop up appears hidden behind UI