Does StoreKit2 not reliably report available purchases shortly after login?

My app is a login item that gets registered as a background agent using SMAppService. On launch it checks to see that the user has an active subscription, and when I run it from Xcode, this works fine.

But it seems that if I restart my machine and it is run from launchd right at login, StoreKit doesn't return any purchases. This results in my app throwing up a window to tell the user to subscribe.

It’s hard to be sure this is the behavior, because I can't really use a debugger, and for whatever reason, OSLog is not persisting messages (despite being configured to do so).

Does anyone know if it takes a while after restart or login for Store Kit to reliably return purchases?

We’re experiencing the same issue. @JetForMe have you manage to make any progress on this?

Does StoreKit2 not reliably report available purchases shortly after login?