How to check app's Screen Time access?

Is there a way for me to programmatically check whether a user has disabled my app's access to Screen Time?

I currently request Family Controls / Screen Time access upon download by calling the following:

AuthorizationCenter.shared.requestAuthorization(for: .individual)

I need to be able to detect, though, when a user has gone into Settings -> Screen Time and disabled my app's Screen Time access. I tried calling the following:


But it appears to have a value of Approved even after I turn off my app's Screen Time access.

Is there any way to accurately detect this in the code?

For me using AuthorizationCenter.shared.authorizationStatus worked. In my View I'm displaying a Button to ask for Screentime-Access, if the user didn't already approve it, otherwhise I'm showing some settings. Here's, what worked for me:

 private var screentimeAccessButton: some View {
    Button("Screentime-Access") {
      Task {
          try await AuthorizationCenter.shared.requestAuthorization(for: .individual)
          // other handling
 private var screentimeSettings: some View {
    Section(L10n.commonScreentime) {
      if AuthorizationCenter.shared.authorizationStatus != .approved {
      } else {
        // show other content

This worked, even when the user went into the settings and deactivated Screentime-Access. However, you still need to wait and maybe restart the app, until it has refreshed.

How to check app's Screen Time access?