Copying shared cache symbols from Vision Pro (stuck percent, fails, never completes)

The AVP is paired with Xcode and all software is up to date. Trying to copy shared cache symbols, haven't been able to debug on-device yet.

It repeatedly gets stuck at 2%, 5%, has made it as high as 8% but just comes back to this:

Previous preparation error: Unable to copy shared cache files.

I'm sharing more visuals and strings in case others are having a similar issue. I've checked the Console and the "Show Recent Logs" that can be reached from Xcode's Device window but there's nothing there.

Mine eventually finished. I left the headset on so it wouldn't go to sleep. I was then able to run an app.

I am in the same boat. It seems to take forever and if either device goes to sleep you have to restart.

Mine works till 28 percent then it will get stuck. Not sure how do I leave the Vision Pro on as I leave it aside the copying of shared cache symbols stops.

does it is a one time thing? or I have do that everytime I build my app?

For me this worked:

  1. Product -> Clean Build Folder (Shift Cmd K)
  2. Restart Xcode.
Copying shared cache symbols from Vision Pro (stuck percent, fails, never completes)